Deep Teeth Cleaning

Peoria’s Trusted Provider of Deep Teeth Cleaning Services is Peoria Dental Care

At Peoria Dental Care, we specialize in advanced dental procedures including deep teeth cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing. This is a dental procedure that goes beyond the routine cleaning performed during regular dental check-ups. It is specifically designed to treat gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, by removing plaque, tartar, and bacteria from below the gumline and smoothing the tooth roots to promote healing and prevent further infection.

Here’s an overview of the deep teeth cleaning process:

  • Assessment: Before performing deep teeth cleaning, a thorough assessment of your oral health is conducted. This may involve measuring the depth of the spaces (pockets) between your gums and teeth using a periodontal probe. Deeper pockets can indicate the presence of gum disease.
  • Anesthesia: At Peoria Dental Care, deep teeth cleaning is typically performed in sections of your mouth to ensure your comfort and minimize the length of each session. In some occasions or upon request, local anesthesia may be used to numb the areas being treated, especially if you have sensitive gums.
  • Scaling: The dental professional uses specialized instruments, such as ultrasonic scalers and hand scalers, to carefully remove plaque, tartar, and bacterial deposits from the surfaces of your teeth and from below the gumline. This process is called scaling. Removing these deposits helps eliminate the source of infection and inflammation.
  • Root Planing: After scaling, the tooth roots are smoothed (planed) to create a clean and smooth surface. This promotes the reattachment of the gum tissues to the roots and prevents bacteria from accumulating in rough areas.
  • Saliva Testing: A convenient and non-invasive diagnostic tool for identifying and monitoring various oral health conditions. By analyzing biomarkers in saliva, dentists can detect diseases such as periodontitis, cavities, and oral cancer, as well as assess the risk for certain conditions.
  • Antibiotics: In some cases, antibiotics or antimicrobial agents may be used to further treat and control bacterial infections. These can be applied topically or prescribed in pill form.
  • Follow-Up: Deep teeth cleaning is often performed in multiple sessions, focusing on different areas of your mouth during each visit. After the procedure, you may experience some sensitivity or mild discomfort, but this should subside over time.

Opting for deep teeth cleaning at Peoria Dental Care is crucial for treating gum disease and preventing its progression. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to more severe problems, including tooth loss and damage to the supporting structures of the teeth. It’s important to maintain good oral hygiene practices and attend regular dental check-ups to prevent and manage gum disease. Let Peoria Dental Care be your partner in achieving and maintaining optimal oral health.

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